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Registration: Victoria Film Festival

If you have already registered for access to our online scheduling system and you have already received your welcome email message with your temporary password, please sign in using that password. 

If you have not completed this form, thank you for taking a moment to complete and submit the following details.

Thank you for your patience, it might take a few hours or days until your registration has been processed.

* required field

Which best describes your Neighbourhood?
Please list all languages you can speak and write fluently
Please list any health or accessibility needs or concerns or serious food allergies
* Emergency Contact Name
* Emergency Phone Number
* Do you have Serving It Right (SIR)?
 Yes  No
* Do you have a valid Class 5 Drivers License
 Yes  No
Preferred volunteering opportunities. Check all that apply:
Communications (Year-round: help Communications Coordinator)
Victoria Film Festival (December - February; see section below)
Vic Theatre (Year-round: help box office and concession stand)
BrewFlicks (June - August: help with setup and beer sales at outdoor screenings at Hoyne Brewing co.)
Feast: Food & Film Festival (June: help with food service liquor sales and setup)
Free-B Film Festival (August: help guests at outdoor screenings)
Art of the Cocktail (October: help exhibitors and staff with multiple roles)
Office (General office tasks)
Distribution (Distributing posters to neighborhood shops)

Festival Details
If you are interested in volunteering during the Film Festival in February, please complete this section.
For how long have you volunteered at the Victoria Film Festival?
How did you hear about volunteering with VFF?
Preferred Festival Teams. Check all that apply.
Office (Data entry, laminating and cutting, general office tasks)
Box Office (Answering phones, selling tickets and memberships, handling will-call)
Theatre Venues (Ushering, ticket scanning, box office assistance, guest services)
Film (Projection at various theatre venues. Requires a brief interview with Festival Programmer)
Transportation (chauffeuring special guests, running errands). Note: vehicles will be provided by VFF.
Events & Special Venues (minding the space during operating hours, helping serve alcohol, cleaning and tidying, taking tickets, ushering)
Photography (must have your own camera. Samples may be required)
Distribution (distributing posters, flyers, and program guides to local businesses)
Set Decoration (building props for the Opening Gala: painting, sewing, constructing, set-up and tear-down)
Are you interested in leading a team of volunteers? We are looking for some dedicated individuals to be Team Leads! Please write down a few sentences if you are interested, describing why you would be appropriate for the role.
Do you have any skills, experiences, or attributes you'd like to tell us about that may be relevant to volunteering with the Festival?
* What size volunteer T-shirt would you prefer?
Certain teams require a Criminal Record Check. Do we have your permission to request a criminal record check from you?
 Yes  No
Have any fun facts about yourself? This is your chance!

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We appreciate your time and interest




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