Customer Success Story

Quebec Corrections Manages Thousands of
Staff Members with Shiftboard

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The Province of Quebec has the largest number of correctional facilities and staff in Canada. Across 22 facilities, it has almost 4,000 hourly employees that need to be managed. Quebec Corrections needed to streamline their staff scheduling and give their management visibility into how their workforce was being utilized and the labor costs associated with it. In addition, Quebec Corrections’ operates as a bilingual staff that speak English and French, with a highly diverse workforce.


Quebec Corrections’ previous scheduling software was complicated to use and was tied to each facility’s individual servers, which made reporting time-consuming and scattered. This legacy scheduling system had become inefficient, as the features were not customized to their unique needs for managing and optimizing the workforce. This further complicated simple tasks such as basic reporting.

Quebec Corrections needed a centralized solution that could manage and optimize their employee scheduling and provide detailed workforce insights. These insights would help with decision making on labor costs and operational efficiency. They had to also ensure compliance with various labor and union rules across their numerous facilities. To complicate matters further, they had to find software that would meet their bilingual English and French needs due to their diverse workforce and regional, provincial regulation.


The Province of Quebec conducted an extensive RFP process involving dozens of potential solution providers and technology partners. Shiftboard’s employee scheduling solution was also chosen because of its ability to simplify and accommodate all their different business rules across multiple facilities and workgroups. Shiftboard was also chosen because of the organizations deep experience working with the public sector and with other correctional facilities such as the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General.

Shiftboard is a flexible system that is well suited to the needs of correctional facilities. Reporting within the organization is hassle-free and the workforce analytics are key to the decision-making in the head office.

Justice Quebec Michel Nepton
Correctional Services, Government of Quebec


Shiftboard was implemented with an easy-to-use French and English solution. One-click auto-scheduling and employee access to online timesheets have reduced management’s scheduling time significantly. The solution’s reports and dashboards also give management accurate and centralized workforce utilization and cost data to inform their decisionmaking.

Overall, Shiftboard has simplified and streamlined reporting throughout the organization. Quebec Corrections now has greater transparency and efficiency with scheduling and has been able to reduce overtime labor costs. The ability to automatically find the best candidate for each job and ensure labor compliance with an audit trail has led to fairer and more optimized scheduling among staff.

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